Welcome to CampaignButtons.comPremere campaign buttons at affordable procesAUTHENTIC CAMPAIGN BUTTONS
Let Us Help You Own Part of HistoryCampaign Buttons and Presidential SignaturesSince 1998
We Know Your Campaign Needs!Used by Political Candidates WorldwideAPIC MEMBER
All modern buttons made 100% in the USAUsed by Political Candidates WorldwideJACKSONVILLE, FLORIDA
Used by Political Candidates WorldwideJACKSONVILLE, FL
Welcome to CampaignButtons.com:
Specializing in authentic campaign buttons and presidential memorabilia from the late 1800s eras until today. Collecting campaign buttons and presidential memorabilia is an exciting industry. Each year hundreds of millions of dollars in merchandise are exchanged through collectors, museums, presidential libraries, and dealers. If you are new to the industry, you can visit our button history section to learn more.
We have been in business for more than twenty-two years and are very proud to own the campaign button domain name. In addition to offering buttons from the late 1800s to modern times, we are also a high-quality campaign button manufacturer and retailer that specialized in high-quality 100% Made in the USA products. Our products are all top sellers and if you want to make your own custom designs for your campaign or business, you can contact us for a free quote.

Our Promise
Our promise is to treat every item we acquire as if we were there when they were made and with the utmost integrity. We have thousands of buttons that we will be placing online so please check the “What’s New” section often for our latest offerings. If you are a collector and are looking for rare and hard-to-find items, please let us know and we will let you know when these items are available. As you browse our site, you will notice the older style buttons combination with our beautiful newer buttons. With the older buttons, we list the “Sold Out” items below the available buttons. That way, users can use the sold-out buttons for research.
Cause Support, Fundraising, Awareness, Appreciation and Gift Ideas
Pinback buttons have been used for centuries in presidential campaigns, to show support for causes, fundraising, and appreciation. When somebidy wears a pinback button, its like having an advertisement that never turns off always propmoting what it says. Pinback buttoins are also historical items that commerate a specific date in time of a important event. Students across the country purchase buttons when they run for office as it is a great way to promote what yoy are all about.
We are also a manufacturer of US Made campaign buttons for your political candidate, school, special interest, birthday, and custom button project. Our buttons are of the highest quality in the industry and 100% Made in the USA. If you are looking for the highest quality buttons available for your campaign or special event, browse the categories below and if you need a custom button, please let us know.

Kamala Harris 2024 30-Packs
Complete selection of Kamala Harris 30-pack campaign buttons. If you would like to purchase Kamala Harris campaign buttons in packages of 30, the cost is $29 for each set. If purchased individually, the cost would be around $60. (More info)
Kamala Harris / Tim Walz 30-Packs
Complete selection of Kamala Harris 30-pack campaign buttons. If you would like to purchase Kamala Harris campaign buttons in packages of 30, the cost is $29 for each set. If purchased individually, the cost would be around $60. (More Info)
2024 Donald Trump 30-Pack
Complete selection of Donald Trump 30-pack campaign buttons. If you would like to purchase Donald Trump campaign buttons in packages of 30, the cost is $29 for each set. If purchased individually, the cost would be around $60. (More Info)
Donald Trump / JD Vance 30-Packs
Complete selection of Donald Trump 30-pack campaign buttons. If you would like to purchase Donald Trump campaign buttons in packages of 30, the cost is $29 for each set. If purchased individually, the cost would be around $60. (More Info)
January Awareness Buttons

New Years Day kicks off the New Year’s celebration and January’s calendar of national days and events is loaded with fantastic button ideas.
- * Walk Your Pet Month
- * Career & Technical Education Month
- * National Blood Donor Month
- * Cervical Cancer Awareness Month
- * National Mentoring Month
- * National Eye Care Month
- * Be Kind To Food Servers Month
Special Days
- * 1st New Year’s Day
- * 5th-11th Thank Your Customers Week
- * 19th-25th Hunt for Happiness Week
- * 20th Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
- * 25th Intravenous Nurse Day
Febury Awareness Buttons

February’s monthly events include Black History Month, American Heart Month, Valentines Day and Easter.
- * Black History Month
- * American Heart Month
- * Library Lovers Month
- * Children’s Dental Health Month
- * Valentine’s Day
- * National Engineers Week
- * School Bus Driver Appreciation Day
Special Days
- * 2nd Groundhog Day
- * 4th Mardi Gras
- * 7th Wear Red Day
- * 14th Valentine’s Day
- * 17th President’s Day
- * 22nd School Bus Driver Appreciation Day
March Awareness Buttons

Most people think of St. Patrick’s Day when it comes to March events. March is also American Red Cross Month and Women’s History Month.
- * American Red Cross Month
- * National Women’s History Month
- * National Social Work Month
- * National Ethics Awareness Month
- * National Nutrition Month
- * St. Patrick’s Day
- * Epilepsy Awareness Day
Special Days
- * 1st Employee Appreciation Day
- * 3rd World Wildlife Day
- * 12th National Girl Scout Day
- * 17th-23rd National Poison Prevention Week
- * 21st World Down Syndrome Day
- * 26th Epilepsy Awareness Day
April Awareness Buttons

April showers bring May flowers is a common saying bud did you know April is also Animal Cruelty Month and national sexual assault awareness month?
- * Alcohol Awareness Month (MADD)
- * Distracted Driving Awareness Month
- * National Financial Literacy Month
- * National Occupational Therapy Month
- * Cancer Control Month
- * Sexual Assault Awareness Month
- * Animal Cruelty Prevention Month
Special Days
- * 2nd Autism Awareness Day
- * 1st-7th National Public Health Week
- * 7th World Health Day
- * 14th-20th National Volunteer Week
- * 22nd Earth Day
May Awareness Buttons

May is packed with awareness causes which include High Blood Pressure Education Month, Healthy Vision Month, and National Police week in addition to Mother’s Day?
- * National Cancer Research Month
- * Mental Health Month
- * Bike Safety Month
- * National Physical Fitness Month
- * Healthy Vision Month
- * High Blood Pressure Month
- * National Women’s Health Week
Special Days
- * 5th-11th Correctional Officers Week
- * 6th-12th Nurses Week
- * 6th-10th Teacher Appreciation Week
- * 8th School Nurse Day
- * 12th-18th National Police Week
June Awareness Buttons

As the first official month of summer June is a wonderful month to support High School Graduates, National Safety Month, and LGBTQ pride month as well.
- * Graduation
- * LGBTQ Pride Month
- * National Safety Month
- * National Great Outdoors Month
- * International Men’s Health Week
- * World Environment Day
- * Nursing Assistants Week
Special Days
- * 5th World Environment Day
- * 14th World Blood Donor Day
- * 14th Flag Day
- * 13th-19th Nursing Assistants Week
- * 19th Juneteenth
July Awareness Buttons
July is a great time to support your local Zoo, social wellness month, American artist appreciation and breast cancer awareness month. (More Info)
- * Breast Cancer Awareness
- * Support your Zoo Day
- * Social Wellness Month
- * Wedding Favor Buttons
- * Minority Mental Health Awareness
- * American Artist Appreciation
- * Tattoo Day
Special Days
- * 4th Independence Day
- * 15th Hug Your Kids Day
- * 17th World Emoji Day
- * 17th Tattoo Day
- * 21st Ice Cream Day
August Awareness Buttons

From National Immunization Awareness Month to Women’s Equality Day, August is a great month for awareness and promotions.
- * New Student Orientation
- * National Immunization Month
- * Muscular Atrophy Awareness
- * National Eye Exam Month
- * World Cancer Support
- * Don’t Be a Bully Month
- * Black Business Month
Special Days
- * 2nd International Beer Day
- * 4th U.S. Coast Guard Day
- * 8th International Cat Day
- * 15th Relaxation Day
- * 26th Women’s Equality Day
September Awareness Buttons

September is packed with awareness causes including suicide, prevention month, and ovarian cancer awareness.
- * Campus Safety Awareness Month
- * Suicide Prevention Month
- * Friendship Month
- * Coastal Cleanup Day
- * World Heart Day
- * Child Cancer Awareness
- * Ovarian Cancer Awareness
Special Days
- * 5th International Day of Charity
- * 15th Hispanic Heritage Month
- * 16th Preservation of the Ozone Layer
- * 21st Oktoberfest
- * 29th World Heart Day
October Awareness Buttons
October is a huge awareness month that includes breast, cancer awareness, domestic violence, awareness, down syndrome’s month bullying prevention month, and others.
- * Breast Cancer Awareness Month
- * Mental Illness Awareness Month
- * National Dental Hygiene Month
- * Dyslexia Awareness Month
- * Domestic Violence Awareness Month
- * Down Syndrome Awareness
- * Bullying Prevention Month
Special Days
- * 6th Mental Illness Awareness Week
- * 7th Children’s Health Day
- * 6th Fire Prevention Week
- * 11th National Coming Out Day
- * 18th National Mammography Day
November Awareness Buttons
Every November people are encouraged quit smoking with The Great American Smokeout. Other notable causes are National Adoption and Alzheimer’s Disease month.
- * Native American Heritage Month
- * The Great American Smokeout
- * Lung Cancer Awareness Month
- * Movember (Men’s Health Awareness)
- * Epilepsy Awareness Month
- * National Adoption Month
- * National Alzheimer’s Disease Month
Special Days
- * 11th Veterans Day
- * 14th World Diabetes Day
- * 15th America Recycles Day
- * 21st Great American Smokeout
- * 28th Thanksgiving
December Awareness Buttons
December hosts great causes including World AIDS Day, Special Education Day, and seasonal depression awareness month.
- * World AIDS Day
- * National Influenza Vaccination Week
- * Stroke Awareness Month
- * Seasonal Depression Awareness Month
- * Safe Toys and Gifts Month
- * Human Rights Day
- * Pearl Harbor Remembrance
Special Days
- * 1st World AIDS Day
- * 2nd Special Education Day
- * 4th National Cookie Day
- * 7th National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day
- * 10th Human Rights Day
100% Made in the USA
Welcome to CampaignButtons.comPremere campaign buttons at affordable procesAUTHENTIC CAMPAIGN BUTTONS
Let Us Help You Own Part of HistoryCampaign Buttons and Presidential SignaturesSince 1998
We Know Your Campaign Needs!Used by Political Candidates WorldwideAPIC MEMBER
All modern buttons made 100% in the USAUsed by Political Candidates WorldwideJACKSONVILLE, FLORIDA
Used by Political Candidates WorldwideJACKSONVILLE, FL
Welcome to CampaignButtons.com:
Specializing in authentic campaign buttons and presidential memorabilia from the late 1800s eras until today. Collecting campaign buttons and presidential memorabilia is an exciting industry. Each year hundreds of millions of dollars in merchandise are exchanged through collectors, museums, presidential libraries, and dealers. If you are new to the industry, you can visit our button history section to learn more.
We have been in business for more than twenty-two years and are very proud to own the campaign button domain name. In addition to offering buttons from the late 1800s to modern times, we are also a high-quality campaign button manufacturer and retailer that specialized in high-quality 100% Made in the USA products. Our products are all top sellers and if you want to make your own custom designs for your campaign or business, you can contact us for a free quote.

Our Promise
Our promise is to treat every item we acquire as if we were there when they were made and with the utmost integrity. We have thousands of buttons that we will be placing online so please check the “What’s New” section often for our latest offerings. If you are a collector and are looking for rare and hard-to-find items, please let us know and we will let you know when these items are available. As you browse our site, you will notice the older style buttons combination with our beautiful newer buttons. With the older buttons, we list the “Sold Out” items below the available buttons. That way, users can use the sold-out buttons for research.
2024 Joe Biden 30-Pack
Complete selection of Joe Biden 30-pack campaign buttons. If you would like to purchase Joe Biden campaign buttons in packages of 30, the cost is $29 for each set. If purchased individually, the cost would be around $60. (More info)
2024 Donald Trump 30-Pack
Complete selection of Donald Trump 30-pack campaign buttons. If you would like to purchase Donald Trump campaign buttons in packages of 30, the cost is $29 for each set. If purchased individually, the cost would be around $60. (More Info)
Cause Support, Fundraising, Awareness, Appreciation and Gift Ideas
Pinback buttons have been used for centuries in presidential campaigns, to show support for causes, fundraising, and appreciation. When somebidy wears a pinback button, its like having an advertisement that never turns off always propmoting what it says. Pinback buttoins are also historical items that commerate a specific date in time of a important event. Students across the country purchase buttons when they run for office as it is a great way to promote what yoy are all about.
We are also a manufacturer of US Made campaign buttons for your political candidate, school, special interest, birthday, and custom button project. Our buttons are of the highest quality in the industry and 100% Made in the USA. If you are looking for the highest quality buttons available for your campaign or special event, browse the categories below and if you need a custom button, please let us know.
January Awareness Buttons

New Years Day kicks off the New Year’s celebration and January’s calendar of national days and events is loaded with fantastic button ideas.
- * Walk Your Pet Month
- * Career & Technical Education Month
- * National Blood Donor Month
- * Cervical Cancer Awareness Month
- * National Mentoring Month
- * National Eye Care Month
- * Be Kind To Food Servers Month
Special Days
- * 1st New Year’s Day
- * 5th-11th Thank Your Customers Week
- * 19th-25th Hunt for Happiness Week
- * 20th Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
- * 25th Intravenous Nurse Day
Febury Awareness Buttons

February’s monthly events include Black History Month, American Heart Month, Valentines Day and Easter.
- * Black History Month
- * American Heart Month
- * Library Lovers Month
- * Children’s Dental Health Month
- * Valentine’s Day
- * National Engineers Week
- * School Bus Driver Appreciation Day
Special Days
- * 2nd Groundhog Day
- * 4th Mardi Gras
- * 7th Wear Red Day
- * 14th Valentine’s Day
- * 17th President’s Day
- * 22nd School Bus Driver Appreciation Day
March Awareness Buttons

Most people think of St. Patrick’s Day when it comes to March events. March is also American Red Cross Month and Women’s History Month.
- * American Red Cross Month
- * National Women’s History Month
- * National Social Work Month
- * National Ethics Awareness Month
- * National Nutrition Month
- * St. Patrick’s Day
- * Epilepsy Awareness Day
Special Days
- * 1st Employee Appreciation Day
- * 3rd World Wildlife Day
- * 12th National Girl Scout Day
- * 17th-23rd National Poison Prevention Week
- * 21st World Down Syndrome Day
- * 26th Epilepsy Awareness Day
April Awareness Buttons

April showers bring May flowers is a common saying bud did you know April is also Animal Cruelty Month and national sexual assault awareness month?
- * Alcohol Awareness Month (MADD)
- * Distracted Driving Awareness Month
- * National Financial Literacy Month
- * National Occupational Therapy Month
- * Cancer Control Month
- * Sexual Assault Awareness Month
- * Animal Cruelty Prevention Month
Special Days
- * 2nd Autism Awareness Day
- * 1st-7th National Public Health Week
- * 7th World Health Day
- * 14th-20th National Volunteer Week
- * 22nd Earth Day
May Awareness Buttons

May is packed with awareness causes which include High Blood Pressure Education Month, Healthy Vision Month, and National Police week in addition to Mother’s Day?
- * National Cancer Research Month
- * Mental Health Month
- * Bike Safety Month
- * National Physical Fitness Month
- * Healthy Vision Month
- * High Blood Pressure Month
- * National Women’s Health Week
Special Days
- * 5th-11th Correctional Officers Week
- * 6th-12th Nurses Week
- * 6th-10th Teacher Appreciation Week
- * 8th School Nurse Day
- * 12th-18th National Police Week
June Awareness Buttons

As the first official month of summer June is a wonderful month to support High School Graduates, National Safety Month, and LGBTQ pride month as well.
- * Graduation
- * LGBTQ Pride Month
- * National Safety Month
- * National Great Outdoors Month
- * International Men’s Health Week
- * World Environment Day
- * Nursing Assistants Week
Special Days
- * 5th World Environment Day
- * 14th World Blood Donor Day
- * 14th Flag Day
- * 13th-19th Nursing Assistants Week
- * 19th Juneteenth
July Awareness Buttons
July is a great time to support your local Zoo, social wellness month, American artist appreciation and breast cancer awareness month. (More Info)
- * Breast Cancer Awareness
- * Support your Zoo Day
- * Social Wellness Month
- * Wedding Favor Buttons
- * Minority Mental Health Awareness
- * American Artist Appreciation
- * Tattoo Day
Special Days
- * 4th Independence Day
- * 15th Hug Your Kids Day
- * 17th World Emoji Day
- * 17th Tattoo Day
- * 21st Ice Cream Day
August Awareness Buttons

From National Immunization Awareness Month to Women’s Equality Day, August is a great month for awareness and promotions.
- * New Student Orientation
- * National Immunization Month
- * Muscular Atrophy Awareness
- * National Eye Exam Month
- * World Cancer Support
- * Don’t Be a Bully Month
- * Black Business Month
Special Days
- * 2nd International Beer Day
- * 4th U.S. Coast Guard Day
- * 8th International Cat Day
- * 15th Relaxation Day
- * 26th Women’s Equality Day
September Awareness Buttons

September is packed with awareness causes including suicide, prevention month, and ovarian cancer awareness.
- * Campus Safety Awareness Month
- * Suicide Prevention Month
- * Friendship Month
- * Coastal Cleanup Day
- * World Heart Day
- * Child Cancer Awareness
- * Ovarian Cancer Awareness
Special Days
- * 5th International Day of Charity
- * 15th Hispanic Heritage Month
- * 16th Preservation of the Ozone Layer
- * 21st Oktoberfest
- * 29th World Heart Day
October Awareness Buttons

October is a huge awareness month that includes breast, cancer awareness, domestic violence, awareness, down syndrome’s month bullying prevention month, and others.
- * Breast Cancer Awareness Month
- * Mental Illness Awareness Month
- * National Dental Hygiene Month
- * Dyslexia Awareness Month
- * Domestic Violence Awareness Month
- * Down Syndrome Awareness
- * Bullying Prevention Month
Special Days
- * 6th Mental Illness Awareness Week
- * 7th Children’s Health Day
- * 6th Fire Prevention Week
- * 11th National Coming Out Day
- * 18th National Mammography Day
November Awareness Buttons

Every November people are encouraged quit smoking with The Great American Smokeout. Other notable causes are National Adoption and Alzheimer’s Disease month.
- * Native American Heritage Month
- * The Great American Smokeout
- * Lung Cancer Awareness Month
- * Movember (Men’s Health Awareness)
- * Epilepsy Awareness Month
- * National Adoption Month
- * National Alzheimer’s Disease Month
Special Days
- * 11th Veterans Day
- * 14th World Diabetes Day
- * 15th America Recycles Day
- * 21st Great American Smokeout
- * 28th Thanksgiving
December Awareness Buttons

December hosts great causes including World AIDS Day, Special Education Day, and seasonal depression awareness month.
- * World AIDS Day
- * National Influenza Vaccination Week
- * Stroke Awareness Month
- * Seasonal Depression Awareness Month
- * Safe Toys and Gifts Month
- * Human Rights Day
- * Pearl Harbor Remembrance
Special Days
- * 1st World AIDS Day
- * 2nd Special Education Day
- * 4th National Cookie Day
- * 7th National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day
- * 10th Human Rights Day